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GroundTruth Introduces Projected Visits for Customers
Get a more comprehensive view of campaign success with Projected Visits. Used with Observed Visits both metrics prove customers' real business results.

Media Tactics to Maximize Return on Ad Spend
Strategize your marketing approach to ensure you are maximizing return on ad spend. Dive into GroundTruth tactics and best practices to achieve your goals — whether that's driving visits, clicks, or building brand awareness. Download for more details!

Can Companies Follow Marketing Trends Without Ruining ROAS?
Knowing what marketing trends to follow is more of an art than a science, but Rosie O'Meara helps companies decide while maintaining strong ROAS.
Brand Marketing vs. Performance Marketing: Which Makes the Biggest Difference for Real Business Results?
Which is better: brand marketing vs performance marketing? Learn how using both marketing campaigns is essential to drive real business results.
Cookies Are Disappearing. What Does that Mean for Marketers and Advertisers?
Cookies are disappearing this year, which means lots of changes for advertisers. But GroundTruth just gets better with changes.