Improve the Impact of CTV Ads Across Audience Segments

CTV advertising offers real business results for marketers across industries. Here are ways to improve your existing campaigns.

Everywhere you look, the numbers are clear. Companies are increasing spend on CTV advertising. Executives see the real business results driven by CTV campaigns and are approving more resources to grow their impact. 

The shift in support creates a new challenge for marketers. Now, they need to improve their campaign strategies to ensure they stand out to their target audiences. The competition for attention and actions grows with each new dollar invested. That’s where we come in. 

We’ve put together three strategies for increasing the impact of your CTV ads across your different audience segments. These will help push your marketing dollars further and improve your real business results. 

Leverage Attention to Test Messaging and Creative

CTV offers a few unique benefits for companies looking to target multiple audiences. Currently, the ad completion rate is 98%, with an attention rate of 51%. What’s more, all generations, from Gen Z to Boomers, use CTV devices to stream their shows. Marketers can use these truths to refine messaging and creative at every stage of the marketing funnel. 

For example, if a specific CTV message performs well with Millennials, pull that theme through to mobile ads to drive higher conversions and clicks at the moment they make a purchase decision. A system to constantly test and refine how you connect with each audience segment helps improve ROI and increase the speed at which new audience members convert into customers. CTV is the perfect platform for these tests.

Get Better Results from Multi-Screen Campaigns 

Another unique attribute of CTV that can help marketers better target their different audience segments is how people engage with their CTV. While most personal devices, like tablets, are used by a single person, CTV devices are used by multiple people, often at the same time. 

For marketers, that provides an opportunity to cast a wider net to drive awareness that can be used to improve ads on those smaller, personal devices. Rather than spending on awareness campaigns that reach each person, individually, marketers can spend on ads that will reach entire households. Then, they can use those smaller, personal devices to drive bottom of the funnel actions, like conversions. GroundTruth customers, for example, see a 2x increase in foot traffic when they combine both screens for their campaigns—results no marketing team would turn down.

Improve Interest-Based Targeting with Real-World Behavior

A final way CTV performance can be improved is with real-world behavior. In linear TV, the audiences available to marketers are generalized. But even in mobile marketing, interest-based targeting is based on online browsing behavior, which doesn’t always mean intent. People often visit sites out of fleeting curiosity. Very few people drive to their local grocery store without a reason. 

Marketers who use GroundTruth can avoid excess spend on their campaigns by targeting audience segments based on the real-world behaviors that show intent rather than simply interest. CTV ads can be shown to households based on the shopping they do, their traveling habits, or the community events they get involved in. Smarter audience segments drive better campaigns and increased real business results. It all happens on GroundTruth. 

Start Your Best Performing CTV Campaign with GroundTruth

To get started building CTV campaigns that drive real business results, contact us today. We’ll get you started connecting with the right audiences and improve your ROI right away.