Behind the Real Business Results: How GroundTruth Excels at Attribution and Reporting

GroundTruth is dedicated to providing the highest quality data to our customers. It's the only way to help you drive real business results. Here's a look into how we filter for the best audience data.

Advertisers face a tremendous amount of pressure to deliver real-business results, despite a changing landscape in the kinds of audience data available. Customer concerns about privacy continue to rise. Audience data fluctuates in accuracy. All of it creates a difficult market for efficient campaigns.

GroundTruth offers a solution for companies big and small. By focusing on real-world behavior to create precise audience segments, our platform can help advertisers drive real business results, like deterministic observed visits. 

How do we create accurate, precise audience segments that advertisers can build their media plan on? It starts with our proprietary Blueprint technology. Recently, we’ve expanded what’s possible from our real-world behavioral data to create our newest feature: Visitation Intelligence Pipeline. Here’s everything you need to know. 

The Changing Landscape of Customer Privacy

Over the past few years the ad tech ecosystem has experienced pressure from regulators to ensure that the signals captured from customers does not violate their privacy. More specifically, two changes made the biggest impact. They were: 

  • iOS ATT Update: In 2021, iPhone customers were given the choice for which apps they were comfortable sharing their information with for relevant ads. Since that change, 60% of iOS traffic lacks IDFA, a mobile ID used in the adtech ecosystem for targeting purposes. 
  • State Legislative Updates: As of March 2024, 18 states passed comprehensive data privacy laws that apply across industries that grant rights to individuals pertaining to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data by businesses. For adtech, that means customers have the right to delete their data and opt-out.  

All of this puts restrictions on data. Due to location signals scarcity,  some ad tech ecosystem actors tamper data , and send inaccurate location signals hoping to win the action.

To counteract increased fraudulence in the ad tech ecosystem, we invested in a new Visitation Intelligence Pipeline (VIP) that ensures quality of location signals.

V.I.P Is GroundTruth’s Answer to Data Quality Concerns

VIP filters out fraudulent location signals to ensure accurate audiences and deterministic attribution. We rely on location signals emitted from the devices. Next, these signals are filtered to reduce noise and then verified using our proprietary Blueprint technology. 

We think about data quality in 4 major groups:

  • Data rights: Do we have necessary consent to use location signals?
  • Identifier Fraudulence: Is this identifier real or fake?
  • Location Fraudulence: Is this lat/lon real or tampered?
  • Visit determination: Can this lat/lon signal be counted as a visit (Is the store opened at this time? is this signal inside the building?)

VIP provides visibility in quality, that will allow us to catch a new fraudulent type quicker to restore data quality in audience and attribution. The result is more reliable audience segments, better performing campaigns, and marketers that can prove clear attribution between their efforts and real business results. 

Get Real Business Results with GroundTruth

To learn more about how you can launch your first campaign with GroundTruth, contact us today. We’ll set you up with the right media mix for reaching your goals in 2024 and beyond.