Location Targeting

What is Location Targeting? Read up now and learn how it can impact your business. Discover the world of location-based advertising with GroundTruth.

Location Targeting

Location Targeting uses GPS coordinates to serve ads to users on their mobile phone based on where they go in the physical world. With location targeting, an advertiser can serve a mobile user an ad based on their current physical location and/or previously visited locations. For example, if a user visits a gym then one could serve ads to the customer at a later point in time based on their current location (i.e proximity to their gym or a competitor gym or at a time they think the customer is likely to convert (e.g. after the work day).

What is the benefit of location targeting?

The main benefit of location marketing or local targeting is more precise targeting for specific audiences. This, in turn, can create a more effective campaign outcome, by utilizing both online or offline messaging based on proximities, events in a particular location, and more social demographics.

How does location affect your target audience?

Different locations will have a range of demographics and cultures, and so will require specially curated campaigns. Understanding the impact of location on target audiences allows businesses and marketers to develop strategies that correctly reflect and engage specific geographic segments.

What is a location strategy?

Basically, a location strategy is a plan that decides the aims and objectives and finds the ideal location for a campaign to achieve the best results. There are usually many different components that can determine a specific location for marketing and targeting, so time should be spent researching specific audiences and demographics in order to create the right campaign for your goals.

Learn more about location targeting at GroundTruth and discover the power of location-based marketing at your fingertips.

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