Media that Drives Visits and Other Real Business Results
We have unique data, proprietary technology, and serve media across key marketing channels with measurable attribution toward your KPIs. Let’s break down how we help marketers leverage real-world behavior to drive real business results.
Targeting Products
Precise targeting capabilities to ensure you reach your customers and drive real business results.
Only pay for results that precisely meet your business objectives using pricing such as Cost Per Visit, GROAS, or cost per additional product sales generated by the campaign.
Creative Services
With our managed services, you can also have our team of expert designers create your ads for all screens, based on your brand guidelines and optimized to help you connect with key audiences.
Strong performance starts with quality data. We obtain first-party data through our owned and operated (and top rated!) app, WeatherBug, third-party data through partnerships, and bid stream data from our media supply partnerships.
Blueprints are the foundation of GroundTruth’s ability to create and reach unique audience segments based on real-world behaviors that can be reached across multiple media channels. Blueprints also makes it possible to measure how consumers respond to advertising campaigns, including if they physically showed up to a location or visited a website, to understand the real business results generated by a brand's advertising.
Learn how you can drive real business results with our podcast advertising platform.