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Surprising Reasons Marketers Need Real-World Behavior for Digital Ad Campaigns
Digital ads can drive important real business results, like foot traffic. But the benefits don't end there. Here are four surprising ways marketers leverage foot traffic across their entire business.
Leverage Foot Traffic to Improve Your Overall Marketing Strategy
In-store visits increase purchases, but the value doesn't stop there. Driving foot traffic can also improve your entire marketing strategy.
The Real Reason Your Ad Campaigns Aren’t Working (And 3 Ways to Fix Them)
Marketers are tired of overspending on campaigns that aren't landing with audiences. Here's how to avoid that and get real business results.
A Rediscovery of ROI for CTV Advertising
Discover everything marketers need to know when it comes to the world of CTV advertising.
Welcome to Paradise: GroundTruth Partnership Drove 1K+ Visits and Increased Local Tourism in Martin County
Martin County worked with GroundTruth to drive visitation rates among tourists interested in outdoor activities and a natural paradise.