
GroundTruth wins MOMA award for Best use of Location Based Services with engaging Timberland Flex and the City campaign

Timberland’s goal was to challenge perceptions as a ‘boots only’ brand by inviting young urbanites to engage with their content and increase sales of their new boat-shoe range across key stores. Together, GroundTruth and Vizeum partnered to build an ‘urban dweller’ audience and inspire shoppers to experience Timberland’s new Sensorflex boat shoe.

Real-World Solutions

Audience Targeting was used to reach young urban fashionistas seeking real adventures, and to drive awareness of the new SensorFlex boat shoe range amongst this key group.

Location Targeting was used to identify those in the market for footwear and those in close proximity to key stores and stockists. Since location allows us to understand consumer intent, we used location and visitation behaviour to deliver the most relevant messages, and drive the right audiences into key stores.

Using a made for mobile experience, we delivered a blend of banners and full-screen rich media content that featured relevant messaging and a ‘Flex in the City’ competition, which inspired the target audiences to engage with the content in order to win a trip to NYC!


Real Business Results

By taking previous campaign learnings and using visitation behaviours to build audiences, we successfully reached Timberland’s goals. We were able to drive a surge in footfall to stores, achieving incremental visitation uplift of 25% in the UK and 16% in Germany.

Overall, we created a more aware and positive audience with the Timberland brand, recording significant uplift in spontaneous awareness, positive feeling towards the brand and extremely high recall of the competition message across the campaign period.

The campaign won Best use of Location Services at the Drum MOMA Awards.

By the numbers
0 %

Visitation uplift in Germany​

0 %

Visitation uplift in the UK