Gary’s QuickSteak Sales Sizzle with a 30% Lift Tied to Blend of Mobile, CTV and Audio Multichannel Campaign

By combining powerful media channels backed by GroundTruth’s attribution, the brand favorite saw sales soar within weeks at Walmart and Sam’s Club stores.

Real-World Behaviors

Gary’s QuickSteak leveraged GroundTruth CTV+, a bundle that combines CTV and mobile ads, and layered in audio ads to amplify their message.
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CTV+ not only combines two highly effective channels, but also increases efficacy by retargeting those audiences who had previously been served CTV ads with mobile ads to ensure reach, repetition, and reinforcement. Gary’s QuickSteak tapped audience targeting focused on Walmart Shoppers, Sam’s Club Shoppers, and Big Box Shoppers within the Oklahoma City designated market area (DMA) for hyper-focused precision on CTV screens.
Their audio ads were served across both podcasts and streaming music targeting active listeners within the Oklahoma DMA to ensure relevant delivery in their target market.
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Listen to the Audio Ad

Watch the CTV Ad

Real Business Results

With this multichannel campaign, Gary’s QuickSteak connected with their target audiences at various points in their buying journey, with direct insight into campaign performance with visit attribution directly tied to their ads.
The brand had leveraged GroundTruth CTV and Mobile channels together in past campaigns, usually seeing an average 20% sales lift during their campaign flights. During this campaign, Gary’s QuickSteak saw a whopping 30% sales lift when they layered in audio ads, proving the impact of a multi-touch approach on performance.
By the Numbers
0 %

Sales Lift

0 K

Visits driven to Walmart and Sam’s Club stores

0 %

Visitation Rate

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