Leverage CTV to Drive Real Business Results Across the Funnel

CTV is more than an awareness channel. It can drive performance across the entire funnel. Inside, we'll show you how.

Today’s advertising campaigns require an omnichannel approach. Marketers need to connect to their audience everywhere to drive real business results for their company. Despite knowing how important a comprehensive advertising strategy is, many marketing teams have a narrow view of what each ad channel is for. 

We see companies use CTV exclusively for awareness. They rely on mobile ads for conversion and direct mail for those stuck in the consideration phase. This is certainly not a bad strategy, but CTV offers so much more. In fact, it can drive results across the entire marketing funnel. Let’s show you how. 

Drive Awareness with Positive Attention

The success of an ad is largely due to messaging and audience targeting. However, the context in which the customer sees your ad is also very important. Ads that are seen alongside content considered trustworthy or premium get a halo effect. Audiences trust your product and brand more when they’re shown with their favorite shows. 

Additionally, the impact of seeing ads surrounded by friends and family can increase audiences’ ad recall. Because people tend to feel happier surrounded by friends and family, they see your ad with a much more positive attitude. Positive associations improve memory and the impact your ads will have on your target audiences.

In the awareness phase, premium CTV ads will help move your target customers down the funnel faster and more efficiently. 

Bring Mobile Ads for Improving Consideration Phase

For the consideration phase of the funnel, CTV is best combined with mobile marketing. The dual-screen habits of most customers drive conversions much faster. For example, restaurants often use apps for limited-time offers and rewards programs. A CTV ad that prompts viewers to download the app while watching their favorite show can increase your conversion rate. 

Similarly, GroundTruth customers saw a 2x increase in ROAS when they combined CTV and mobile ad campaigns, including a 7.8% sales lift because of an increase in foot traffic. When audiences can learn more about your products and services on their small screen immediately after seeing an ad on their big screen, recall, intent to purchase, and positive association all increase. When you scale those actions across all your audience segments, you build an efficient system for pushing people through the funnel to the most important step: conversion.

Improve Conversions with Innovative Ad Types

Finally, with an influx of marketing dollars allocated to CTV, the capabilities of the ads continue to expand. Streaming services are introducing new ways to convert audiences directly on their CTV device. Shoppable ads are not only growing in popularity, audiences also trust them more every year. 

One study found that audiences are currently willing to make purchases around $30 via shoppable ads. But GroundTruth CEO, Rosie O’Meara, predicts that audiences will start purchasing big ticket items in the not-so-distant future. Companies that invest in innovative, bottom-of-the-funnel CTV ads now benefit from engaged audiences at a much lower price. Who could say no to that kind of deal?

Launch Your CTV Campaigns with GroundTruth

If you’re ready to launch a comprehensive CTV ad campaign, contact us today. We’ll show you how to build a campaign with real business results in mind, including increased foot traffic, higher conversions, and more.