Through their partnership with GroundTruth, Coach has tapped into location data to carefully craft their media mix with insights-driven precision. With a goal of driving 20K in-store visits, Coach leveraged GroundTruth’s Cost Per Visit model to effectively reach the right customers and optimize toward driving store visits.
Real-World Solutions
Cost Per Visit, the first-to-market performance model that allows marketers to only pay when verified in-store visits occur, was activated by Coach to focus efforts on driving customers in-store.
Location Targeting drove 76% of the generated in-store visits, largely by reaching consumers who had visited Coach locations in the past or visited identified points of interest that would indicate a potential customer. Almost 5% of those visits were influenced by ads delivered while the customer was on the retail block, keeping the brand top of mind and guiding customers through their doors.
Audience Targeting tactics drove the remaining visits, primarily by targeting Look-a-Like customers. This tactic allowed Coach to successfully extend the scalability of their campaign by reaching customers who behave similarly to Coach customers based on various location-based attributes.

Real Business Results
Coach aimed to drive almost 20K visits, but ended up performing at 150% to goal by driving over 30K visits to retail locations during the two month timeframe. Because of the risk-free element to Cost Per Visit, the 11K incremental visits came at no additional cost above the initial target goal.
The majority of visits occurred within three days to one week of being served an ad, highlighting the impact that timely influence can have on driving actions. We also saw the highest foot traffic spikes from Friday into Saturday, when consumers have more free time to shop.
While we saw strong physical proof of performance, we also saw a strong digital response from potential shoppers with Rich Media Engagement Rates up +10-16% to GroundTruth’s benchmark. All around, this campaign showcased the power location has in identifying, reaching, and influencing the right consumers.

By the Numbers
Rich Media Engagement Rate exceeded
GroundTruth benchmark by 10-16%
Visits driven to Coach retail
stores within 2 months