Adapting Tactics II – Tax Season, Census and 2020 Elections

As we look forward to the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses and consumers will find themselves adjusting to a new normal. The IRS has extended the tax filing deadlines to July 15th while the 2020 census bureau has ceased field operations temporarily. Amidst the backdrop of these abnormalities is the 2020 elections. This pandemic has altered life as we know it. However, in every crisis lies a great opportunity.

In this follow up session to the Adapting Tactics in the Time of COVID19 webinar, we covered these key topics:

  • Consumer behaviors as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Targeting opportunities as a result of tax filing extensions, Census, and 2020 Elections
  • How to deploy Residential Targeting and Congressional District targeting tactics to effectively deliver ROI on your campaigns

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